Physical Purification in Islam A Muslim should not pray unless he is in state of physical purity (cleanliness) called Tahara. This means if a Muslim is impure for minor or major reasons/causes, a Muslim should not pray until he cleanses himself/herself. Two types of physical impurity causes exist: (a) major, and (b) minor: Minor impurity Causes include: urinating, excreting, farting, etc. A Muslim who experiences one of these minor impurity causes must wash certain parts of his body in a ritual called Wudu (the Bible prescribes a similar washing ritual referred to as Ablution) before he/she can pray. Major impurity Causes include: ejaculation, being in menses, etc. The Ghusul (full body wash performed according to a specific method) is obligatory to cleanse the body from major causes of impurity. For women, during their period of menses (menstruation), they should neither perform the 5 regular formal prayers and nor fast. After their period of menses (menstruation) ends, women should perform Ghusul, then women can start performing prayers and fast again. 2. How to perform Wudu (ablution or cleansing some parts of the body before prayers) ? 3. The benefits and Importance of Wudu (ablution, meaning the Islamic pre-prayer washing ritual) 4. How to perform Ghusul (full body wash/shower performed according to a specific method) ? 5. Tayammum (Dry Purification)
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Friday August 19, 2022 12:41 PM
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