If you have a negative comment or would like to express hatred toward Muslims or Islam, please do not contact us. Be advised that we will publish, on our site, negative comments that we deem, at our sole discretion, as offensive or annoying, including your email address. So, you may receive replies from Muslims from around the world. Some of these replies may not be pleasant. Do NOT send us a list of questions about Islam, expecting us to answer them. Our site has answers to most of your questions. You just need to spend some time browsing our site. If after browsing our site, you still cannot find satisfactory answers, visit other Islamic sites. There are 4 main reasons why we do not like to answer questions: (a) We do not have time. (b) Answers to most of people's questions are available on our site. (c) When you ask questions without attempting to do research that means you are lazy and unmotivated to learn about Islam. (d) Most people who ask lots of questions tend to be Christian Missionaries who not interested in Islam. They just want to engage in back and forth discussions and debates. We are not interested in engaging in such futile debates, especially by email.
If you have a positive comment, suggestion, or technical problem in viewing this site, you may contact us at: Please note that we do not usually reply to regular emails because we do not have time. However, we appreciate positive comments and we certainly would like to hear the stories of people who convert (or revert) to Islam. For such individuals, we will reply (God Willing) and ask your permission to publish your story on our site.
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