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Is Mohammad God?
Validity of Islam
Moon & Crescent
Killling Infidels
Spread by Sword
No Compulsion
Allah: loving God
Banu Qurayza
Wine in Paradise
BeFriend Christians
Angels vs. Jinn
Night of Qadr
Satanic Verses
Adam & Eve
Copied from Bible
Abrogation in Quran
Aisha's Age
Killing Apostates
Treating Non-Muslims
Sharia Punishments
Danish Cartoons
Is music haram?
Ibn Isshaq Stories
Day of Allah
Earth or Heaven first?
Muslims before Islam
Jesus of Aaron





Is there any proof as to the validity of Islam as a religion from God ?

Yes, you don't have to depend purely on faith to believe in Islam. The validity is relatively easy to prove objectively.

1. Islam is the only religion that is fully compatible with Modern Science. The Quran states many facts that have been proven to be scientifically correct. Furthermore, there is not any fact mentioned in the Quran that has been proven to be scientifically incorrect. For more detailed information Islam & Modern Science, please visit the following section on our site:  Miracles & Scientific Proofs of Islam


2. Islam can also be validated through the prophecies about Prophet Mohammad & Islam as mentioned in the holy scriptures of several religions. For example, Prophet Mohammad has been prophesied as an upcoming prophet from God in both the Old & New Testament of the Bible, including prophecies by Jesus himself. For detailed information about these prophecies, please visit the following section on our site:

Prophecies about Prophet Mohammad in Holy Scriptures of other religions (Bible, etc.)


3. The Quran, in by itself, is considered the greatest miracle of Islam. For information about miraculous aspects of the Quran, please visit the following section on our site:

The Quran





Do you have any question about Islam?


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Important Announcement


Discovering Islam is pleased to inform you about

a great book by End Times Research Center:


The End Times : Based on Numerical Analysis of

the Quran, Hadith, Arabic Words, and Historical Events


This book (which consists of more than 3000 pages) explains why  the Mahdi will emerge most likely in year 2023, the Dajjal will emerge most likely in year 2024, and Jesus will return most likely in 2025, in-sha-Allah (if Allah is willing).


To download the book 100% FREE of charge, visit : www.EndTimesBook.com




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