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                                                                  Terror & Evil Forces

Disclaimer: This section of our site touches on certain beliefs and practices of some Jews. However, not all Jews are evil. Below you will find links to other sites of good Jewish Individuals (such as Dr. Noam Chomsky, Dr. Norman Finkelstein, Dr. Howard Zinn, Amy Goodman, Philip Weiss, etc.) and good Jewish groups/ organizations (such as Neturei Karta).

The Bible says in Revelation 2:9 :

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are JEWS, and are not, but are the synagogue of SATAN.”


Revelation 3:9 :

" I will make those who belong to the synagogue of Satan- those who claim to be Jews and aren't, but are lying-come and bow down at your feet. Then they will realize that I have loved you."


1. Islam & Terrorism Islam's position on Terrorism.

2. 9/11 & Terrorism  Falsely blamed on Muslims. What happened on Sept. 11, 2001 ? Who did it ?

3. Who did 9/11 ? Victor Thorn identifies Zionist plotters of 9/11 on Texe Marrs Radio Show

4. London Bus Bomb Falsely blamed on Muslims

5. History of Evil Forces ruling our World.

6. Secret Societies & New World Order FreeMasons, Illuminaties, Skulls & Bones, etc.

7. Jordan Maxwell  New World Order & Secret Societies, etc.

8. Pastor Texe Marrs New World Order , FreeMasons, Illuminaties, etc.

9. Eustace Mullins (Historian) New World Order, Zionism, FreeMasons, Federal Reserve, etc.

10. Interview with Kay Griggs exposes evil & satanic rituals of the CIA  & U.S. Military Intelligence.

11. Dr. Noam Chomsky about War on Terrorism, Politics, World Affairs, etc.

12. Israel & Zionism

13. Satanic Cults

14. Conjuring Spirits/ Demons


The following are interesting sites:

Jewish Sites

1. www.chomsky.info Dr. Noam Chomsky is a highly-respected Jewish intellectual & university professor.

2. www.NormanFinkelstein.com Dr. Norman Finkelstein is a Jewish Political Science professor and popular lecturer on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, with sympathetic views toward the injustice inflicted on the Palestinians.

3. www.nkusa.org This is an interesting site of NETUREI KARTA, a religious, orthodox, anti-Zionist Jewish group.

5. www.PhilipWeiss.org interesting Jewish political commentator

6. www.DemocracyNow.org Daily radio/TV show hosted by Amy Goodman, a progressive Jewish journalist.

7. www.apfn.org/THEWINDS/library/freedman.html Benjamin Freedman, a famous American Jew, who started exposed the Zionists in the mid 1940s.


Non-Jewish Sites

1. http://www.AmericanFreePress.net/html/archives.html Excellent newspaper that reveals the truth about the Zionists & their New World Order allies.

2. http://www.MikePiperReport.com/Articles_Archive/ArticlesArchiveIndex.html Mike Collins Piper is a journalist and author of several books.

3. www.IfAmericansKnew.org: This is the site of an organization that monitors the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and highlights the suffering of the Palestinian people.

4. www.PalSolidarity.org This is the site of International Solidarity Movement which uncovers the suffering of the Palestinian people to the rest of the world.

5. www.CounterPunch.org One of the best known left-wing sites in the U.S. and edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair.

6. www.infoWars.com This is the web site of Alex Jones, Talk Show Host and a critic of 9/11 cover-up, Free- Masons, etc.

7. www.buchanan.org This is the Blog of Pat Buchanan, conservative political commentator and former presidential candidate.

8. http://Petras.Lahaine.org The is the site of Dr. James Petras, university professor and expert on World Affairs.

9. www.ConspiracyWorld.com Pastor Texe Marrs

10. www.PowerofProphecy.com/links.htm  Links to many interesting sites.

11. www.ArsenalOfHypocrisy.com about politics, New World Order, etc.

12. www.TheOccidentalObserver.net read articles by Dr. Kevin MacDonald, University Professor & psychologist, a critic of Jewish Supremacists & Zionists who exposes the psyche of Jewish extremists.

13. www.DavidDuke.com Dr. David Duke is former elected member of Louisiana House of Representative and a critic of Israel & evil Jews whom he refers to as "Jewish Supremacists".

14. www.WhatReallyHappened.com

15. www.JewWatch.com

16. www.apfn.org/THEWINDS/library/protocols_of_zion.html  The PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION , a well-known book.

17. www.JewishRacism.com excellent site by Christopher Jon Bjerknes, exposing the Zionists




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