Shia's Imam Mahdi Similarities between Shia's Imam Mahdi, the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) & Jewish Messiah
A. Shia's Imam Mahdi vs. Sunni's Al-Mahdi Both Sunni Muslims and Shia are awaiting a person whose is referred to as Al-Mahdi (Shia call him Imam Mahdi because they are expecting him to be their 12th Imam). However, both the identity and characteristics of the Mahdi of the Sunnis are significantly different from the identity and characteristics of Shia's Imam Mahdi. For Sunni Muslims, the Mahdi is just a Muslim leader who will act as a Caliph, ruling the Muslim World. He is not a prophet. For Sunnis, the Mahdi must be a descendant of Prophet Mohammad. Sunni Muslims' Al-Mahdi has to be a good man. In contrast, Shia's Imam Mahdi, as portrayed in Shia's books, seems to be an evil man whom the Shia expect will persecute Sunni Muslims, resurrect and crucify Prophet Mohammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم Companions, Abu Bakr and Omar as well as Prophet Mohammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم wife, Aisha. Shia's Imam Mahdi is their 12th Imam. Shia believe that Imam Mahdi is Mohammad, the only son of their 11th Imam, Hasan Al-Askari. They believe that when he was a young boy at the age of 5, he disappeared and went into hiding (or state of occultation) and has been hiding for 12 centuries up till now. Some Shia say he is hiding in a tunnel. The Shia are awaiting for him to emerge from his state of occultation in the End Times. By the way, there is no proof that his father, Hasan Al-Askari, had a son, named Mohammad. So, Shia's Imam Mahdi seems to be a fictitious, imaginary character. He never existed as a child. He does not exist now, contrary to what they believe, and will not appear in the End Times. According to Shia's books, the Shia's Imam Mahdi will be someone who rules based on the Laws of David. He will rely on scriptures, other than the Quran. So, Shia's Mahdi fits the characteristics of the Dajjal/False Masiach. Shia's Imam Mahdi is not a normal human being since they are claiming that he has been alive for 1200 years. Sunnis reject this because there is no Hadith that says the Mahdi will not be a normal human being. In contrast, based on how Shia'a books describe their Mahdi, his characteristics seem to resemble the characteristics of the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) in many ways. All this evidence leads us to believe that the evil founders of Shiism, mostly Jews who pretended to convert to Islam outwardly while remaining Jews in their hearts, have purposefully portrayed, in their books, Imam Mahdi as someone similar in many ways to the last False Mashiach (Messiah) of the Children of Israel, son of David, in order to:
(a) motivate the Shia to reject the real Mahdi when he appears because he is a Sunni Muslim and does not fit into their expectations, and
(b) deceive the Shia into following the False Messiah of the Children of Israel, thinking that he is the Mahdi.
Based on our numerical analysis of the Quran, Hadith, and Arabic Words for our End Times book, we believe that a Dajjal or evil person is likely to appear in the beginning of the End Times in 2016. This will trigger the emergence of the Sunni's Mahdi. The last Dajjal is likely to appear in 2022, and within the next few days, Prophet Jesus Christ will descend from Heaven and put an end to Kingdom of the Dajjal. This will be the end of the first phase of the End Times. Some of the Jews are expecting two Messiahs for them in the End Times. They refer to first Messiah as Son of Joseph and the second Messiah as Son of David. Christians are expecting 2 Witnesses in the End Times. They tend to expect one of the witnesses will be Elijah. The first Dajjal Messiah may falsely claim to be Son of Joseph of the Jews and Elijah of the Christians. He may claim to also be paving the way for Shia's Mahdi, if no Shia person emerges. The Shia have many narrations about individuals whom they expect to appear and pave the way for Shia's Mahdi. The Sunnis' Mahdi, who is the real Mahdi for all Muslims, will only identify himself as a Muslim, not a Sunni and not a Shia. Many of the Shia will hopefully accept the Sunnis' Mahdi. However, it is possible that some of the wicked individuals among the Shia may practice Taqiya and accept Sunnis' Mahdi only outwardly temporarily, while rejecting him in their hearts, hoping that Shia's Mahdi will emerge later. When the last Dajjal (Anti-Christ) appears, those wicked Shia may follow of the last Dajjal.
For more information and details:
B. What do Shia's books say about what Shia's Imam Mahdi will
do after he emerges ? 1. Shia’s Mahdi kills and does not accept repentance ان القائم امر ان يسير بالقتل ولا يستتيب احدا “The Qa’im (Shia’s Mahdi) has been ordered (by God) to go forth killing (people) and does not ask for or accept repentance of anyone.” (Al-Numani, Al-Ghaiba , p. 153 and Baqir Al-Majlisi’s Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, page 353)
ان الامام المهدي (ع) سوف يضع السيف في كل المنحرفين ...فيستاصلهم جميعا ولا يقبل اعلانهم التوبة “Al-Imam Al-Mahdi will strike with the sword all those who deviate (meaning deviate from Shiism or the new religion he will be spreading) … and will eradicate all of them and will not accept the declaration of repentance.” (Al-Sadr, Tarikh ma ba’d Zuhur (History of After the Emergence) p. 558 )
2. Shia’s Mahdi will be cruel towards defenseless people
القائم له أن يقتل المولي ويجهز على الجريح الغيبة للنعماني ص121 “It is permissible for Al-Qa’im to kill Al-Mawla (the captive person) and finish off (kill) the wounded person.” (Al-Numani Al-Ghaiba, p. 121)
3. Shia’s Mahdi is sent as a Vengeance
: عن عبد الرحمن القصير عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: إن الله بعث محمدا رحمة وبعث القائم نقمة Abd-Rahman Al-Qaseer reported that Abi Ja’far (a. s.) said: “ Allah sent Mohammad (p) as a Mercy, and sends Al-Qa’im (Mahdi) as a Vengeance (Revenge).” (Baqir Al-Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 314-315) Imam Mahdi will take revenge against all the sins (meaning the sinners) since Adam (a.s). (Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Saffar, Bashairu al-Darajat, p. 83)
4. Shia's Mahdi will persecute the Sunni Muslims فإذا قام قائم عرضوا كل ناصب عليه فإن أقر بالإسلام وهي الولاية وإلا ضربت عنقه أو أقر بالجزية فأداها كما يؤدي أهل الذمة 52/357 بحار الأنوار , تفسير فرات ص 100 “ When Qa’im (Shia refer to their Mahdi as Al-Qa’im) appears, they (the Shia) will bring every Nasib (a term used by Shia to refer to Sunnis) to him (Shia’s Mahdi). If he (the Nasib) accepts Islam, and it is recognition of Al-Wilaya (meaning Imam Ali is Representative of God), he will be freed; otherwise his head will be cut off. Alternatively, if he accepts jizyah (penalty tax), he will be required to pay as a Zhimmi (Zhimmi is a status given by Islam to Christians & Jews).. (Baqir Al-Majlisi’s Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, page 373 and Furat ibn Ibrahim’s Tafseer , page 100)
According to Shia’s book, Baqir Al-Majlisi’s Haq Al-Yaqeen, page 527, Imam Mahdi will kill all Sunni Scholars:
ويوارثوننا الى ان يظهر المهدي حيث يبدا بقتل علماء اهل السنة ثم عوامهم
ما لمن خالفنا في دولتنا نصيب إن الله قد أحل لنا دماءهم عند قيام قائمنا بحار الأنوار 50/373 “For those in our (Shia’s) State who differ with us, there is a punishment. God has made their blood Halal (permissible to be shed) when our Qa’im (Shia’s Mahdi) emerges.”( Baqir Al-Majlisi’s Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 50, p. 373)
مال الناصب وكل شيء يملكه حلال وسائل الشيعة للحر العاملي 11/60 , تهذيب الأحكام للطوسي 2/48 “ The money of the Al-Nasib (the Sunni) is Halal (permissible to be stolen) and every thing he owns is Halal.” ( Al-Tusi, Tahzeeb Al-Ahkam, Vol. 2, p. 48 and Al-Hur Al-Amili, Wasil Al-Shia, Vol. 11, p.60)
خذ مال الناصب حيثما وجدته وأدفع إلينا الخمس وسائل الشيعة للحر العاملي 6/340 , السرائر لابن أدريس ص 484 , تهذيب الأحكام للطوسي 1/384 “Take the money (meaning by stealing or rip-off) of Al-Nasib (the Sunni) wherever you find him and pay to us Al-Khums (one fifth of the money).” (Al-Tusi, Tahzeeb Al-Ahkam, Vol. 1, p. 384, Ibn Idriss, Al-Sarair p. 484, and Al-Hur Al-Amili, Wasil Al-Shia, Vol. 340, p.6)
5. Shia's Imam Mahdi will be an Anti-Arab bigot who will massacre the Arabs The following is some of what Shia books say their Mahdi’s massacres of the Arabs: ما بقي بيننا وبين العرب إلا الذبح
الغيبة للنعماني ص155,
بحار الأنوار 52/349
52/333 بحار الأنوار , الغيبة للنعماني ص254 “Fear the Arabs because there will be very bad news for them, which is that none from amongst them will come out with Al-Qa’im (Shia’s Mahdi).” (Baqir Al-Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 333, and Al-Numani, Al-Ghaiba, p. 254) This Shia narration is warning the Arabs of bad things that will happen to Arabs because none of the Arabs, including Shia Arabs, will follow the Mahdi.
يروي المفيد عن أبي عبدالله أنه قال إذا قام القائم من آل محمد عليهم السلام أقام خمسمائة من قريش فيضرب أعناقهم ثم خمسمائة أخر حتى يفعل ذلك ست مرات In a Shia narration attributed to Imam Abi Abdullah (Shia’s 6th Imam), he say: "When the Qa’im (Shia’s Mahdi) from the family of Mohammad (peace be upon him) rises, he will resurrect five hundred from Quraish (dead people of Prophet Mohammad's tribe) and cut off their necks, then another five hundred, until he does this (action) six times." (Al-Mufeed Al-Tusi, Al-Irshad)
6. Digging up the graves of Prophet Muhammad’s Companions
وأجيء إلى يثرب فأهدم الحجرة وأخرج من بها وهما طريان فآمر بهما تجها البقيع وأمر بخشبتين يصلبان عليهما بحار الأنوار ج 53/104-105
The graves of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (r.a.) and Umar bin al-Khattab (r.a.) (Prophet Mohammad’s companions and successors as Caliphs) are to be dug up, and they are to be crucified and flogged in front of the crowds. Both of them will be resurrected to receive their sentences. (Ni’matullah Al-Jazairi, Al-Anwar Al-Numaniyah, Vol.2, p. 85 and Baqir Al-Majlisi, Haq al-Yaqeen, Vol. 2, p. 242)
: عن عبد الرحمن القصير عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام
قال : أما لو قام قائمنا ، ردت إليه الحميراء حتى يجلدها الحد ، و حتى ينتقم لأمه
فاطمة Abd-Rahman Al-Qaseer reported that Abi Ja’far (a. s.) said: “When our Qa’im (Shia’s Mahdi) rises, Al-Humaira (Aisha, Prophet Mohammad’s wife) will be returned (resurrected) so that he flogs her according to the law of hudud, and takes revenge for the Umma (nation or people) of Fatima (meaning the Shia).” So, I (Abd-Rahman Al-Qaseer) said: “How come Allah (God) delays this punishment to (be performed by) the Qa’im (Mahdi) ?” He said: “ Allah sent Mohammad (p) as a Mercy, and sends Al-Qa’im (Mahdi) as a Vengeance (Revenge).” (Baqir Al-Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 314-315)
7. Shia's Mahdi will destroy the Ka’ba and the two Holy Mosques of Mecca and Medina
القائم يهدم المسجد الحرام حتى يرده إلى أساسسه ومسجد الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم وإله إلى أساسه بحار الأنوار 52/338 , الغيبة ص 282 “Al-Qaim (Shia’s Mahdi) will demolish Haram Mosque (in Mecca) down to its foundation and the Messenger’s Mosque (Prophet Mohammad’s s.a.w. Mosque in Medina) down to its foundation.” (Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, p. 338, and Al-Tusi, Al-Ghaibah, p. 282)
إذا قام المهدي هدم المسجد الحرام
“When Imam Mahdi rises up, he will demolish Al-Haram Mosque ( in Mecca) …'” (Al-Mufid, Al-Irshad. p. 411 and At-Tusi, Kitab al Ghaibah, p. 282)
هل تدري أول ما يبدأ به القائم . أول ما يبدأ به يخرج هذين رطبين غضين فيحرقهما و يذريهما في الريح و يكسر المسجد
“Do you know what the Qa’im (Shia’s Mahdi) will start with ? What he will start with is that he will dig up/out the graves of these two (Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq r.a. and Umar bin Al-Khattab r.a., Prophet Mohammad’s companions and successors as Caliphs) while they are still wet and fresh and burn/cremate them and throw them (their ashes) into the wind. And he will break/destroy the Mosque (meaning the holy Al-Haram Mosque of Mecca).” (Al-Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 386)
8. At the time of Shia’s Mahdi, the Shia will be gathered from all over the World This is similar to the notion that the Jews will gathered from around the World, according to Jewish beliefs as well as the Quran) عن أحد موالي أبي الحسن عليه السلام قال {أينما تكونوا يأت بكم الله جميعا } سألت أبا الحسن عليه السلام عن قوله تعالى وذلك والله أن لو قد قام قائمنا يجمع الله إليه شيعتنا من جميع البلدان : قال - بحار الأنوار - A follower of Imam Abu Al-Hasan (Shia’s 7th Imam) asked him about his interpretation of (verse 148 of Sura Baqara) {From wherever you are, Allah will bring forth (or gather) all of you...}, Imam Abu Al-Hasan said: " When our Qa’im (Imam Mahdi) rises up, Allah will gather for him our Shia from all countries." (Al-Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar) Please note that the Sunni classical interpretation of this verse is that it pertains to God's gathering people around the time of the Day of Resurrection.
9. Jews & prominent Prophets will be among the followers of Shia’s Mahdi According to the Shia, the Jews will also be among the followers of Imam Mahdi: عن المفضّل بن عمر عن أبي عبد الله قال يخرج مع القائم عليه السلام من ظهر الكوفة سبعة وعشرون رجلا من قوم موسى، وسبعة من أهل الكهف ويوشع بن نون وسليمان وأبو دجـانة الأنصاري والمقداد ومالك الأشتر فيكونون بين يديه أنصارا الإرشاد للمفيد الطوسي ص402 Sheikh al-Mufeed has reported in his Al-Irshaad based on al-Mufadhaal ibnu Umar that Imam Abu Abdullah [as] said: “With the Qa'im twenty seven men from the people of Moses (meaning Jews or Israelites), seven from Ahl Al-Kahf (People of the Cave), (prophet) Joshua bin Nun, (prophet) Solomon, Abu Dajana Al-Ansari, Al-Miqdad, Malik Al-Ahtar will come out and they will be his supporters." (Al-Mufeed Al-Tusi, Al-Irshaad p.402)
10. Shia's Imam Mahdi will bring the compete, original Quran “ …The Qur'an which we have in our hands today, has suffered some changes after the Messenger of Allah [pbuh]. Those who collected it after him, dropped and deleted many words and verses, and that the protected Qur'an from such changes and agreeable to the (true & original) revelation of Allah (Ta'ala) is the one which was collected by Ali [as] and guarded until it reached his son Al-Hasan [as] and so on until it ended in the possession of Al-Qa'im (Imam Mahdi) who has it with him today…" (Hashim At-Tubari Al-Bahrani’s Al-Burhaan fi Tafseer al-Qur'an, Introduction: the second premise, Volume 1, p.36, and last paragraph, p. 49)
"The Quran has been purposely altered by the drunkard Caliphs {Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a) and Usman (r.a)}. The present Quran is false; It is the duty of Imam Mehdi to bring it in its original form. When Imam Mahdi comes, the Quran will be recited in its original form." (Quran Translation by Maqbool Hussain Delhvi, Chapter 12, p. 384 & p.479 – Published in India)
"The Original Quran will not be known until the manifestation of Imam Mahdi." (Ni’matullah al-Jazairi, Al-Anwar Al-Numania, Vol. 2, p. 360 - Published in Iran)
"The present Quran is abridged (an an abbreviated version) whereas the Original Quran is kept by Imam Mahdi." (Hazaar Tumhari Das Hamari, p. 553)
"The original Quran (which was compiled by Imam Ali (r.a) will be brought by Imam Mahdi when he appears before the Day of Judgment." (Usul Kaafi, Vol. 2, p. 123)
11. Shia’s Mahdi will bring and rule based on a New Book of Scriptures
أبي جعفر أنه قال (الغيبة للنعماني ص 107 ) A narration attributed to Imam Abi Ja'far (Shia’s 5th Imam): " By Allah, as if I see him (Imam Mahdi) between Rukn & Maqam (of Kaba, Mecca), people are declaring allegiance (to the Mahdi) based on a new, powerful matter, a new Book (scripture), and a new authority from Heaven." (Al-Numani, Kitab al-Ghayba, p. 107)
“Imam Mahdi will bring new Sharia (divine law) and commandments.” (Al-Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 10, p. 597)
“Al-Qa’im (Imam Mahdi) will bring a new teaching, a new book and a new law.” (Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 354 )
12. Shia’s Mahdi will declare himself to be a prophet Imam Mahdi will declare himself to be a prophet. (Al-Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 10, p. 550)
13. All angels will swear allegiance to Shia’s Mahdi All angels will swear allegiance to Imam Mahdi. (Syed Najmul Hasan, Chodah Sitaray, p. 594)
14. Shia believe Prophet Mohammad (p) will return
and be the first person to pledge of allegiance to Shia's Imam Mahdi The Shia believe Prophet Mohammad (p) and many of the early Muslims will come back to life at the End Times and they call this “Raj’ah” meaning the “Return”.
15. Shia’s Mahdi was born before God created human beings مهدي الشيعة خلق قبل خلق الخلق (بحار الأنوار 51/144) According to Al-Majlisi’s Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 51, page 144, Shia’s Mahdi was born before God created human beings.
16. Mahdi’s Shia does not have a shadow مهدي الشيعة ليس له ظل (بحار الأنوار 52/322) According to Al-Majlisi’s Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, page 322, Shia's Mahdi does not have a shadow.
17. Mentioning the name of the Shia’s Mahdi is not permissible مهدي الشيعة لا يحل ذكر اسمه ومن سماه ملعون (بحار الأنوار 51/33) According to Al-Majlisi’s Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 51, page 33, it is not permissible to mention the name of the Shia’s Mahdi and whoever refers to him by his name shall be cursed.
18. Shia’s Mahdi will Rule according to the Law of David محمد بن أحمد عن محمد بن خـالد عن النَضر بن سويد عن يحي الحلبي عن عمران بن أعين عن جعيد الهمداني عن عليَ بن الحـسين عليه السَلام : سألته بأي حكم تحكمون ؟ قال: روح القُدُس به تلقَانا شيء فإن أعيانا بحكم آل داود Muhammad ibn Ahmad attributes to Jaeed al Hamdani asking Ali ibn Al-Hussein [a.s.] (Shia's 4th Imams): “I asked him by which law will you (the 12 Imams) rule?” Ali ibn Al-Hussein [as]: said: “By the ruling (law) of the family of David, and if we encounter something perplexing, Ruh Al- Quds ( Holy Spirit, meaning Angel Gabriel ) will solve it for us.” ( Al-Kulayni , Al-Kafi, Vol. 1, p. 397)
: عن أبي عبيد الحذَاء قال جعفر عليه السلام : يا أبا عبيدة إذا قام قائم آل محمد عليه السلام حكم بحكم داود وسليمان ولا يُسأل بيننة Abu Obeida Al-Hazza attributed to Imam Abu Abdullah [a.s.] (Shia’s 6th Imam) saying: “O Abu Obeida when Qa’im (Imam Mahdi) of the House of Muhammad (s.a.w.) rises up, he will rule according to the law of David and Solomon and he will not be asked for evidence.” (Al-Kulayni, Usul Al-Kafi, Vol. 1, p. 397 , Al-Mufeed Al-Tusi, Al-Irshad, p. 413, and Alam Al-Wara, p. 433 ) Note what this narration says, “he will not be asked for evidence.” Islam emphasizes that in order to make a fair judgment, you need to rely on evidence. So, the Shia expect their Mahdi to break that rule of fairness. In other words, Shia's Mahdi is above the laws of Islam. He will not follow the Quran, but rather he will follow Jewish laws.
19. The source of Shia’s knowledge is from the Israelites, most probably, the Talmud The Imam (a.s.) remained silent for a while and then said, “(Held) With us, there is Al-Jifr (the parchment). Do you know what Al-Jifr is?” I then asked, “What is Al-Jifr ?” The Imams (a.s.) said, “It is a container made of leather that contains knowledge of the prophets and the executors of their wills and the knowledge of the scholars of the past from the Israelites.” (Al-Kulayni, Al-Kafi, Vol. 1, Chapter 40, p. 635)
20. Shia’s Mahdi will call God by God’s Hebrew name ( إذا أذَن الإمام , دعا الله بإسمه العبراني ( كتاب الغيبة للنعماني Al-Mufadhal ibn Umar is reported to have said that Abu Abdullah [a.s.] (Shia’s 6th Imams) said: “When the Imam (Mahdi) makes a call (for prayer), he will supplicate to God using God's Hebrew name...” (Al-Numani, Al-Ghayba , p.326)
Shia's Imam Mahdi
appears, Shia's Taqiyyah will be
annulled In a narration attributed to the 8th Shia Imam, Ali bin Musa, he said,“ The one who is not wari (pious) has no religion and the one who does not practice Taqiyyah has no Iman ( deep faith).” So he was asked, "O grandson of the Messenger, until when (is one required to practice Taqiyyah)?" He replied, “Until a certain day (i.e. the day Imam Mahdi appears). Whoever does not practice Taqiyyah before the appearance of Imam Mahdi, is not one of us.” (Al-Ardabili, Kashf al-Ghummah , p. 341).
22. At the time of Shia's Mahdi, people will rise from the dead وروى العاملي عن المفضل بن عمر قال : ذكرنا القائم عليه السلام ومن مات ينتظره من أصحابنا فقال لنا أبو عبدالله عليه السلام : إذا قام أتى المؤمن في قبره فيقال له : يا هذا إنه قد ظهر صاحبك فإن شئت تلحق به فالحق وإن تشأ تقيم في كرامة ربك فأقم In a narration attributed to Imam Abu Abdullah, he said: " When he (Imam Mahdi) rises, he will come to the believer (meaning a Shia) in his grave. The dead believer will asked: ' O you, your friend (Imam Mahdi) has emerged. If you wish to follow him, follow him. However, if you wish to stay in the dignity (or honored status) provided by your Lord, you may stay '." (Baha' Din Al-Amili)
23. Imam Mahdi recited the Sura Al-Qadr (Chapter 97 of Quran) before his birth. (Jalau Al-Uyoun, Vol. 2, p. 475)
24. The Sun will rise from the West at the time of Imam Mahdi's appearance. (Syed Najmul Hasan, Chodah Sitaray, p. 585)
25. Imam Mahdi will appear when only forty two believing Shia will be left on the face of the Earth. (Syed Najmul Hasan, Chodah Sitaray, p. 571)
C. Evidence from the Quran revealing the connection between the Shia and the Anti-Christ
The following 2 consecutive verses 158- 159 of Sura Al-Anaam (Chapter 6) provide additional clear evidence that connects the Shia to the Dajjal (Anti-Christ):
Verse 158 of Chapter 6 is telling us that once Specific Signs of God occur, believing in God will no longer benefit because God will no longer accept repentance. The following Hadith specifies these Specific Signs. One of these signs is the Dajjal (Anti-Christ):
ثلاث إذا
خرجن لم ينفع { نفسا إيمانها لم تكن آمنت من قبل } الآية الدجال ، والدابة ، وطلوع
الشمس من المغرب – أو من مغربها
Abu Huraira said: "Three things that once they occur, the soul will not benefit from believing (in God) if it did not believe before ... (verse 6:158): the Dajjal (Anti-Christ), Daabba (Beast), and Sun rise from the West." (Tirmizi and Al-Albani) So, we have verse 158 that refers indirectly to the Dajjal and the next verse 159 warns us about the Shia. It seems that God is making in these verse a connection between the Shia and the Anti-Christ.
Shia's Imam Mahdicould bethe Dajjal (Anti-Christ)By: Ibn al-Hashimi (This is our edited version of the original)
The Shia are waiting for their Twelfth Imam, sometimes referred to as Imam Mahdi (Mehdi) or Qaem, to appear. The evidence suggests that the person that the Shia will take as their Twelfth Imam could be the Dajjal (the Anti-Christ).
Jewish Law The “Qaem” (Imam Mahdi) of the Shia will rule according to the Laws of David and the family of David, according to the Shia narrations they attribute to their Imams in Al-Kafi, the book most relied upon by Shia scholars out of the four Shia Hadith books. All of the following Shia narrations come from the same section in Al-Kafi reported by Al-Kulyani, located in Al-Kafi (Volume 1, p. 387-398): 1. Ali ibn Ibrahim attributes to Abi Ubaidah saying: “When the Qaem (Imam Mahdi) of the household of the Prophet appears, he will rule according to the ruling (law) of David and Solomon.” 2. محمَد ين يحي عن أحمد بن محمَد عن محمد بن سنان عن أبان قال : سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول : << لا تذهب الدنيا حتى يخرج رجل مني يحكم بحكومة آل داود ولا يُسأل بيّنة ، يعطي كل نفس حقها. Muhammad ibn Yahya attributes to Muhammad ibn Sinan- Abaan saying: “I heard Abu Abdullah [as] (one of Shia's 12 Imams) saying: "The World will not fade away unless a person from us appears who will rule according to the ruling (law) of the family of David.”
3. محمد عن أحمد بن محمد عن ابن محبوب عن هشام بن سالم عن عمَار الساباطي قال : قلت لأبي عبد الله عليه السَلام : بما تحكمون إذا حكمتم قال << بحكم الله وحكم داود ، فإذا ورد علينا الشَيء الذي ليس عندنا تلقَانا به روح القُدُس . Ahmad ibn Muhammad attributes to Ammar AsSaabati saying: “I asked Abu Abdullah [as] (one of Shia's 12 Imams): "On what will you (the 12 Imams) rule if you are made the rulers." He replied: "By the ruling of God and the ruling (law) of David. And if we are confronted by a situation which we cannot solve, Gabriel (Ruh al Quds - Holy Spirit) will reveal it to us.”
Muhammad ibn Ahmad attributes to Jaeed al Hamdani asking Ali ibn Al-Hussein [as] (one of Shia's 12 Imams): “I asked him by which law will you rule?” Ali ibn al-Hussein [as]: said: “By the ruling (law) of David, and if there is something which we are unaware of, Gabriel (Ruh al Quds- Holy Spirit) will reveal it to us.”
Ahmad ibn Mahran attributes to Ammar AsSaabati saying: “I asked Abu Abdullah [as] (one of Shia's 12 Imams): ...‘By how will you rule?’ Abu Abdullah [as] replied: ‘By the rule of God, and by the ruling (law) of David and by the ruling of Mohammad (p)...”
Supplicate to God using God's Hebrew name في كتاب (الغيبة) للنعماني : << إذا أذَن الإمام دعا الله باسمه العيراني (فانتخب ) له صحابته الثلاثمائة والثلاثة عشر كقزع الخريف ، منهم أصحاب الألوية، منهم من يفقد فراشه ليلا فيصبح بمكة ، ومنهم من يُرى يسير في السحاب نهارا يعرف باسمه واسم أبيه وحليته ونسبه ...>> Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Saeed al Uqdah attributes to al-Mufadhal ibn Umar saying that Abu Abdullah [as] said: “When the Imam Mahdi makes a call (for prayer), he will supplicate to God using God's Hebrew name and then his three hundred thirteen friends (followers) will rush to him...” (AnNumani, Al-Ghayba , p.326)
Jews & prominent Prophets will be among the Followers of the Mahdi According to the Shia, the Jews will also be among the followers of Imam Mahdi (Mehdi):
Sheikh al-Mufeed has reported in his Al-Irshaad based on al-Mufadhaal ibnu Umar that Imam Abu Abdullah [as] said: “ Twenty seven men from the people of Moses, seven from Ahl Al-Kahf (People of the Cave), (prophet) Joshua bin Nun, (prophet) Solomon, Abu Dajana Al-Ansari, Al-Miqdad, Malik Al-Ahtar will come out with the Mahdi and be his supporters." (Al-Mufeed Al-Tusi, Al-Irshaad p.402)
Jewish Books
According to a Shia narration in Al-Kafi, the Imam Mahdi learns from Al-Jafr, which contains the knowledge from the Israelites: The Imam (a.s.) remained silent for a while and then said, “(Held) With us, there is Al-Jafr (the parchment). Do they know what Al-Jafr is?” I then asked, “What is Al-Jafr ?” The Imams (a.s.) said, “It is a container made of leather that contains knowledge of the prophets and the executors of their wills and the knowledge of the scholars of the past from the Israelites.” (Al-Kafi, Vol. 1, Chapter 40, p. 635)
Conclusions All of these narrations from Shia's books lead us to believe that the Shia’s 12th Imam is actually the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) warned us about, who would mislead many and create destruction on Earth. This is man who the Shia are waiting for. According to the evidence, this is what we know about the Shia's “Qaem/ Imam Mahdi ”: 1. Shia's Imam Mahdi will rule according to the laws of the family line of prophet David, using the Talmud. 2. Shia's Imam Mahdi will use Hebrew language in his prayers . 3. Jews will be among the followers of Shia's Imam Mahdi (Mehdi). 4. Shia's Imam Mahdi learns from the Talmud which is contained in the “Jafr.”
What the Hadith of Prophet Mohammadصلى الله عليه وسلم according to Sunni Books say about the Shia Let us now examine authentic Hadiths from Sunni books in regards to the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) that is prophesied to appear: Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said " Allah will grant the Muslims victory over Dajjal and the Muslims will kill him and his Shia; when the Shia of Dajjal hide behind a tree or a stone, then the tree and the stone will say to the Muslim that there is a Jew behind me come and kill him." (Musnad Imam Ahmad #5099) The word Shia is Arabic means group or followers. Is it simply a coincidence that this Hadith uses the Arabic word “Shia” to describe the followers of Dajjal? Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) said: “For (in) every Ummah (nation), there are Magians (Zoroastrians). The Magians of this Ummah (Muslim nation) are those who reject the Qadr (pre-destination). If anyone amongst them dies, do not attend their funeral, and if anyone amongst them becomes sick, don’t visit them. They are Shia of the Dajjal and it is the right of God to join them with the Dajjal.” (Sunan Abu Dawud #4072) The Shia reject the concept of Qadar (pre-destination) and instead have adopted the Mutazalite school of thought which rejects Qadr (pre-destination). The descendants of the Magians are none other than the Persians who mix Magianism (Zoroastrian religion) with Islam? And perhaps most conclusive evidence of all is the prophecy of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم in which he said: “The Dajjal (Anti-Christ) will be followed by 70,000 Jews of Isfahan (city in Iran), having on themselves Tayalisa (type of hoods or turbans).” (Sahih Muslim #5227) Today, 90% of the Persians (Iranians) are Shia. Furthermore, there are only few Jews in Iran today. So, it is reasonable to conclude that the "70,000 Jews of Isfahan" could be Shia. Shouldn’t the Ahlus Sunnah (Sunnis) be prepared to deal with this potential secret alliance between the Jews and the Persian Shia? The Shia ask Allah to hasten the coming of their Hidden Imam Mahdi who is locked up and hidden somewhere. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) has promised that the Dajjal will also be locked away somewhere and hidden from the World, as reported in the narration of Tamim ad-Darri in Sahih Bukhari.
Similarities between Shia's Imam Mahdi and the Anti-Christ
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