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Sunni Mahdi
Signs before Mahdi
More than one Mahdi





                                                         More than one Mahdi ?


1. Could Muslims could be ruled by a series of Caliphs, not just the Mahdi ?

Some weak narrations indicate that there will be a series of Caliphs in the End Times, not just one Mahdi. Because there is not much time left before Jesus descends from Heaven in 2022, we believe it unlikely that there is be a series of Caliphs before Jesus. Most likely, the Mahdi will be the only Caliph before Jesus. However, after Jesus rules for several years, it possible that there will be one or more Muslim Caliphs.

The following narrations could be weak, and none of their chains of narration is traced back to the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم, or even any of the Companions (r.a); rather they are all from the words of the Tabi'un and their followers. Therefore, we list them below for information purposes only.

Most of the following narrations are from Kitab al-Fitan by Nuaim ibn Hammad. Imam Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti included them in his book al-'Arf al-Wardi fi Akhbar al-Mahdi [The Rose-Scented Perfume: On the Reports of the Mahdi].

  قال ابن المنادى: وفي كتاب دانيال:                                                                                                                                               

 أن السفيانيين ثلاثة, وان المهديين ثلاثة, فيخرج السفياني الأول, فإذا خرج وفشا ذكره خرج عليه المهدي الأول, ثم يخرج السفياني الثاني, فيخرج عليه المهدي الثاني, ثم يخرج السفياني الثالث, فيخرج عليه المهدي الثالث, فيصلح الله به كل ما أفسد قبله  ويستنفذ الله به أهل الإيمان, ويحيي به السنة ويطفئ به نيران البدعة, ويكون الناس في زمانه أعزاء ظاهـرين على من خالفهم, ويعيشون أطيب عيش, ويرسل الله السماء عليهم مدرارا , وتخرج الأرض زهرها ونباتها, فلا تدخر من نباتها شيئا , فيمكث على ذلك سبع سنين ثم يموت

Ibn Munadi said that, “In the book of Prophet Daniel (p.b.u.h.) (in the Bible), it is reported that, “The Sufyanis are three and the Mahdis are three. When the first Sufyani appears and his name and fame become widespread, the first Mahdi will confront him, the second Mahdi will confront the second Sufyani and the third Mahdi will confront the third Sufyani and Allah, the Exalted, will send him (the third Mahdi) to save the ones who have suffered mischief, and the believers. The Sunnah will be revived through him and oppression, injustice and cruelty will come to an end through him. The people will be highly prized and become victorious over their opponents at his time. A beautiful life will be lived, and the Earth and the Heavens will increase their blessings..."  (Al-Muttaqi Al-Hindi's Al-Burhan fi Alamat Al-Mahdi Akhir Al-Zaman) and (Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج أبو نعيم (40) عن ابن عباس  قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : لن تهلك أمة أنا [ في ] أولها, وعيسى في أخرها, والمهدي في وسطها

Ibn Abbas said the the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: : "A nation will not perish in which I am at its beginning, Jesus is at its end, and the Mahdi is in its middle." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (821) عن أبي قبيل قال:

 يملك رجل من بني هاشم, فيقتل بني أمية, فلا يبقي منهم إلا اليسير, لا يقتل غيرهم, ثم يخرج رجل من بني أمية, فيقتل بكل رجل رجلين حتى لا يبقى إلا النساء, ثم يخرج المهدي

Abi Qubayl said: " A man from Bani Hashem (Prophet Mohammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم family clan) will rule. He kills Bani Omaya to that only few of them remain; he does not kill other than them. Then, a man from Bani Omaya will rise up and kills for every man (killed) two men, to the extent that only women will remain. Then, the Mahdi emerges." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (966) عن علي  قال: (( تكون فتن, ثم تكون جماعة على رأس رجل من أهل بيتي , ليس له عند الله خلاق , فيقتل أو يموت فيقوم المهدي ))

Ali bin Abi Talib (r.a.) said: "There will be a Fitna. Then, there will a group headed by a man from my Ahl Bayt, who is unGodly. He kills or dies. Then, the Mahdi rises up." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج ( ك ) أبو يعلى (6665) عنه قال : حدثني خليلي أبو القاسم  قال:

      لا تقوم الساعة حتى يخرج عليهم رجل من أهل بيتي, فيضربهم حتى يرجعوا إلى الحق, قال: قلت: وكم يملك؟ قال: خمس واثنتين [ قال:قلت: ما خمس واثنتين؟ قال: لا أدري ]

Abu Al-Kasim said: " The Hour (of Resurrection) will not occur until a man from my Ahl-Bayt (Household) emerges. He hits (or kills) them until they return to the truth. I asked: 'For how long does he rule?' He said: 'Five and two.' I asked: 'Five and two what? (meaning, years, months, etc.). He said: 'I do not know.' " (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (1011) عن علي  يقول: يفرج [ الله ] الفتن برجل منا, يسومهم خسفا, لا يعطيهم إلا السيف, يضع السيف على عاتقه ثمانية أشهر, [ هرجا ] حتى يقولوا: والله ما هذا من ولد فاطمة, لو كان من ولدها لرحمنا, يغريه الله ببني العباس وبني أمية

Ali bin Abi Talib (r.a.) said: "Allah will resolve the Fitan (strifes) with a man, ...., who does not give them except the sword. Makes the sword (killing) his duty for 18 months, until they say: 'This is not a descendant of Fatima. If he were one of her descendants, he would have had mercy on us'. Allah will make him be seduced to imitate Bani Al-Abass and Bani Omayya." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (1135) عن كعب قال:

 يموت المهدي موتا , ثم يلي الناس بعده رجل من أهل بيته, فيه خير وشر, وشره أكثر من خيره, [ يغضب ]  الناس, يدعوهم إلى الفرقة بعد الجماعة, بقاؤه قليل, يثور به رجل من أهل بيته فيقتله, فيقتتل الناس بعده قتالا شديدا, وبقاء الذي قتله بعده قليل ثم يموت موتا, ثم يليهم رجل من مضر من الشرق, يكفر الناس ويخرجهم من دينهم, يقاتل أهل اليمن قتالا شديدا فيما بين النهرين, فيهزمه الله ومن معه

Ka'b said: "The Mahdi will die a natural death. Then, the people will be ruled after him by a man from his household who has both good and evil in him, but whose evil is more than his good. He will make the people angry, and call them to division after their unity. He will remain a short while because a man from his household will rise up against him and kill him. After him, the people will fight each other fiercely, and the one who killed him will remain a short while and then die a normal death. Then, they will be ruled by a man from Mudhar, from the East. He will make the people commit Kufr (apostacy), and cause them to go out of their religion. He will fight the people of the Yemen fiercely between the two rivers, but Allah will defeat him and those who are with him." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (1136) عن الزهري قال:

 يموت المهدي موتا, ثم يصير الناس بعده في فتنة, ويقبل إليهم رجل من بني مخزوم فيبايع له, فيمكث زمانا,  ثم [ يمنع الرزق, فلا يجد من يغير عليه, ثم يمنع العطاء, فلا يجد أحدا يغير عليه, وهو ينزل بيت المقدس, فيكون هو وأصحابه مثل العجاجيل المريبة, وتمشي نساؤهم ببطيطات الذهب وثياب لا تواريهن, فلا يجد من يغير عليه فيأمر بإخراج أهل اليمن قضاعة و مذحج و همدان و حمير و الأزد و غسان و جميع من يقال له من اليمن, فيخرجهم حتى ينزلوا شعاب فلسطين, فيرجع إليهم جديس ولخم وجذام والناس عصبا من تلك الجبال بالطعام والشراب, ليكون لهم مغوثة, كما كان يوسف مغوثة لإخوته إذ ] نادى مناد من السماء ليس بإنس ولا جان: بايعوا فلانا, ولا ترجعوا على أعقابكم بعد الهجرة, فينظرون فلا يعرفون الرجل, ثم ينادي ثلاثا, ثم يبايع المنصور [ فيبعث  عشرة أوفد ] إلى المخزومي, [ فيقتل تسعة ويدع واحدا, ثم يبعث خمسة فيقتل أربعة ويسرح واحدا, ثم يبعث ثلاثة, فيقتل اثنين ويدع واحدا, فيسير إليه ] فينصره الله عليه, فيقتله الله ومن معه,[ ولا ينفلت إلا الشريد, ولا يدع قرشيا إلا قتله, فيلتمس إذ ذاك قرشي فلا يوجد, كما يلتمس اليوم رجل من جرهم, فلا يوجد فكذلك تقتل قريش فلا يوجدوا بعدها ]

Az-Zuhri that he said:

"The Mahdi will die a normal death, then after him, the people will fall into Fitna (strife). A man from Banu Makhzum will come to them, be given the bay'ah, and he will remain for some time. Then, he will withhold peoples' livelihoods, and will find no one daring to object. Then, he will withhold their pensions, and will again find no one daring to object.

He will settle in Bayt Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), and he and his companions will be very immoral and disreputable. Their women will walk in sandals decorated with gold and in garments that do not cover them, and no-one will dare object to it.

He will order the expulsion of the people of Yemen: Qudha'ah, Muzh-haj, Hamdan, Humair, Al-Azd, Ghassan, and everyone else who is said to be from Yemen. He will drive them away until they settle in the woods of Palestine, where groups from Judays, Lakhm, Juzham, and the people from those mountains will bring them food and drink, and provide relief for them, as (Prophet) Yusuf (Joseph) was a means of relief for his brothers.

Then, a caller from the sky, neither human nor jinn, will announce: "Give the bay'ah (allegiance) to so­and-so, and do not turn back on your heels after emigrating." So they will look, but will not know the man. He will announce it again three times. Then, they will give the bay'ah (allegiance) to Al-Mansur, who will send a delegation of ten men to  Al-Makhzumi, who will kill nine of them and leave one. Then he [Al-Mansur] will send five, and he [Al-Makhzumi] will kill four and let one go. Then he will send three, and he will kill two and leave one. Then he (Al-Mansur) will marsh to him (Al-Makhzumi), and Allah will make him victorious over him. Allah will kill him [i.e. the Makhzumi] and those with him, and none will escape except those who flee.

He [Al-Mansur] will not leave a single Quraishi without killing him, so that if one were to look for a single Quraishi, he would not find one. As today, one might look for a man from Jurhum and not find any one. Likewise, Quraish will be killed to the extent that none of them will exist afterwards." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (1159) عن أرطاة قال:

ينزل المهدي بيت المقدس , ثم يكون [ خلفاء ]  من أهل بيته بعده , تطول مدتهم و [يتجبرون ]  ,حتى يصلي الناس على بني العباس [ وبني أمية, مما يلقون منهم قال جراح: أجلهم نحو من مائتي سنة ]

Arta said:

"The Mahdi will settle in Bayt Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem). Then after him will be Caliphs  from his Household. They will rule for a long time and they will become oppressive, until the people praise Banu Al-Abbas and Banu Umayyah because of their suffering (under the current rulers)."  Jarrah said: "Their time will last for two hundred years." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


وأخرج ( ك ) أيضا (1160) عن أبي قبيل قال:

 لا يكون بعد المهدي أحد من أهل بيته يعدل في الناس, وليطولن جورهم على الناس بعد المهدي, حتى يصلي الناس على بني العباس, ويقولون: يا ليتهم مكانهم  فلا يزال الناس كذلك,حتى يغزوا مع واليهم القسطنطينية , وهو رجل صالح, يسلمها إلى عيسى بن مريم  ,ولا يزال الناس في رخاء ما لم ينتقض ملك بني العباس, فإذا انتقض ملكهم لم يزالوا في فتن حتى يقوم المهدي

Abi Qubayl said:

"And the people will remain at ease as long as the kingship of Banu Al-Abbas has not been undone, but when their kingship is undone, they (the people) will remain in Fitan until the rising of the Mahdi. After the Mahdi, no one from his household will deal justly with the people. Their tyranny (of the rulers from the Household of the Mahdi) will continue for a long time after the Mahdi, until the people praise Banu Al-Abbas, saying: "It would have been better if they were still ruling." So, the people will continue like that, until they invade Constantinople with their ruler, who will be a righteous man. He will hand them (the rule) over to Jesus son of Mary عليه السلام ."  (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (1194) عن أرطاة قال:

 يكون بين المهدي وبين الروم هدنة, ثم يهلك المهدي, ثم يلي رجل من أهل بيته يعدل قليلا, ثم يسل سيفه على أهل فلسطين, فيثورون به, فيستغيث بأهل الأردن فيمكث فيهم شهرين يعدل بعد المهدي, ثم يسل سيفه عليهم, فيثورون به, فيخرج هاربا حتى ينزل دمشق, فهل رأيت الأسكفة التي ثم باب الجابية حيث موضع توابيت الصرف, الحجر المستدير دونه على خمسة أذرع, عليها يذبح, ولا ينطفىء ذكر دمه حتى يقال: قد أرسلت الروم فيها بين صور إلى عكا, فهي الملاحم

Arta said:

"There will be a peace-treaty between the Mahdi and the Romans. Then, the Mahdi will die, then a man from his household will succeed him, who will rule justly for a little while, then he will draw his sword against the people of Palestine, who will rise up against him. So, he will seek help from the people of Jordan, remaining among them for two months. Then, he will draw his sword against them, and they will rise up against him. So, he will leave, fleeing, until he settles in Damascus. Have you seen the door-posts at the gate of Al-Jabiyah at the place of the money-changers, there is a circular stone at five cubits from it ? There, he will be slaughtered, and the mention of his blood will not cease until it is said: "The Romans have sent their army, and have landed between Soor (city in southern Lebanon referred to in Bible as Tyre) and 'Akka (city in northern Palestine)!" This will be (the beginning of) the Malahim [the big battles]."  (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


Abdullah ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said to Mujahid: "If I have not heard that you are like the people of this House (of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم ), I would never tell you this." Whereupon Mujahid said: "This surely will be kept a secret, I will not mention it to someone you hate." So Abdullah ibn Abbas told him: "There are four people from the House (of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  ), from us is Al-Saffah, and from us is Al-Munzir, and from us is Al-Mansur, and from us is Al-Mahdi." So Mujahid said: "Clarify these four for me." He answered: "As for Al-Saffah (the Butcher or Killer), he may kill his supporters and forgive his enemy. Al-Munzir (the Warner) will give away plenty of wealth, he will be humble and keep but a little of his rights. Al-Mansur (the Victorious), will be given victory over his enemy and (be given by Allah) part of what was given to the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم   and that is his (the Prophet's) enemies were frightened away from him the traveling distance of two months, whereas the enemy of the Mansur will be frightened away from him the traveling distance of one month. Al-Mahdi (the Guided) will fill the Earth with justice just as it has been filled with transgression -- livestock and foxes will live together peacefully. And the Earth will bring forth that which is hidden from its depths -- they look like cylinders of gold or silver."


أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (1043) عن الوليد قال : سمعت رجلا يحدث قوما فقال :

 المهديون ثلاثة, مهدي الخير, وهو عمر بن عبد العزيز, ومهدي الدم, وهو الذي يسكن عليه الدماء, ومهدي الدين, عيسى بن مريم تسلم أمته في زمانه

Al-Walid said that he heard a man speaking to people saying:

" The Mahdis are three: The Mahdi of Khair (Prosperity & Wealth) is Omar bin Abd Al-Aziz, Mahdi of Blood with whom blood will be soothed (cool down), and the Mahdi of Religion who is Jesus son of Mary, his nation will become Muslim during his time." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (1044) عن كعب أنه قال :  مهدي الخير يخرج بعد السفياني

Ka'b said: " The Mahdi of Khair (Prosperity & Wealth) will appear after the Sufyani."


أخرج أبو الحسين بن المنادى في كتاب ((الملاحم))(...) عن سالم بن  أبى الجعد قال:

  يكون المهدي إحدى وعشرين سنة, أو اثنين وعشرين سنة, ثم يكون أخر من بعده, و هو دونه, وهو صالح, أربع عشرة سنة, ثم يكون أخر من بعده, وهو دونه, وهو صالح, تسع سنين

Salim bin Abi Al-Ja'd said: "The Mahdi will be for 21 years or 22 years. Then, there will one another one after him, but less than him. He will be good (righteous) and remains 14 years. Then, there will one another one after him, but less than him. He will be good (righteous) and remains 9 years." (Abu Al-Hussain bin Al-Munadi's Al-Malahim)


أخرج ( ك ) نعيم (600) عن ابن عباس  قال: قال رسول الله  صلى الله عليه وسلم

إذا مات الخامس من أهل بيتي فالهرج الهرج, حتى يموت السابع, ثم كذلك حتى يقوم المهدي

Ibn Abbas said: "If the fifth (Caliph) from my Ahl Bayt (Household) dies, then Harj (Killing) starts until the seventh one dies. This remains until the Mahdi rises up." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


 حدثنا الوليد عن أبي عبد الله مولى بني أمية عن الوليد بن هشام المعيطي عن أبان بن الوليد المعيطي
سمع ابن عباس يحدث معاوية وسأله عن الزمان فأخبره أنه يلي رجل منهم في آخر الزمان أربعين سنة تكون الملاحم لسبع سنين بقين من خلافته فيموت بالأعماق غما ثم يليها رجل ذو شامتين فعلى يديه يكون الفتح يومئذ

Aban bin Al-Walid Al-Mu'ti heard Ibn Abbas talking with Muawiya and asked him about the End of Time, so he told him: " A man from them (meaning from Banu Hashem) at the End of Time will rule for 40 years. The Battles (with Romans) will be in the last remaining 7 years of his reign. He dies in the Amaaq (where the Big Battle with the Romans occurs), then a man with two small marks (on his face) will succeed him . He is the one who will conquer (Constantinople)." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan)


 حدثنا الوليد عن عبد الملك بن حميد بن أبي غنية عن المنهال بن عمرو عن سعيد بن جبير
عن ابن عباس أنه ذكر عنده إثنا عشر خليفة ثم الأمير فقال والله إن منا بعد ذلك السفاح والمنصور والمهدي يدفعها إلى عيسى بن مريم عليه السلام

Ibn Abbas said: " From us (meaning from Banu Hashem) is the Saffah (Butcher), the Mansur (Victorious) and the Mahdi who will hand over the reign to Jesus son of Mary." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan)



 حدثنا أبو المغيرة وبقية عن صفوان
عن كعب قال المنصور مهدي يصلي عليه أهل السماء والأرض وطير السماء يبتلي بقتال الروم والملاحم عشرين سنة ثم يقتل شهيدا في الملحمة العظمى هو وألفين معه كلهم أمير وصاحب راية فلم يصب المسلمون بمصيبة بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أعظم منها

Ka'b said: "The Mansur (Victorious) is a Mahdi ... will be successful in fighting the Romans and in the battles for 20 years. Then, he dies as a martyr in the Big Battle, along with two thousand, all of them are princes and commanders of battalions. The Muslims have never been afflicted with a greater calamity after the death of the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم ." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan)


2. The Rule of the Qahtani ( also known as Prince of Osab)

One of the most often named Caliph or Prince, most likely coming after Al-Mahdi is called Al-Qahtani (meaning from Qahtan tribe). It seems that he is the same ruler referred to as Prince of Osab ( العُصَب ) .

Abu Huraira narrated that Allah's Messenger  صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " The Hour (of Resurrection) will not be come till a man from Qahtan appears, driving the people with his stick (or Royal Staff)." (Bukhari)


The Prophet  صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: "The Hour (of Resurrection) will not come until a man from Qahtan appears and rules the people." (Sahih Muslim)


أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (1190) عن كعب قال :   يكون بعد المهدي خليفة من أهل اليمن من قحطان, أخو المهدي في دينه, يعمل بعمله, وهو الذي يفتح مدينة الروم, ويصيب غنائمها

Ka'b said:

"After the Mahdi, there will be a Khalifa (Caliph) from the people of the Yemen, from Qahtan, the brother of the Mahdi in his religion, who will act like the Mahdi did. It is he who will conquer the city of the Romans and take its spoils."  (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج الطبراني في (الكبير)(22\374\936) وابن منده (.....), وأبو نعيم (37), وابن عساكر (14\282) عن قيس بن جابر عن أبيه عن جده أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم  قال :سيكون بعدي خلفاء,ومن بعد الخلفاء أمراء, ومن بعد الأمراء ملوك, ومن بعد الملوك جبابرة, ثم يخرج رجل من أهل بيتي, يملأ الأرض عدلا كما ملئت جورا,  ثم يؤمر بعده القحطاني, فوالذي  بعثني بالحق ما هو بدونه

Qays ibn Jabir as-Sadafi narrated from his father, from his grandfather that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

"After me, there will be Caliphs. After the Caliphs, there will be Amirs (Princes). After the Amirs (Princes), there will be Kings. After the Kings, there will be tyrants. Then, a man from my household emerges who will fill the Earth with justice as it was filled with tyranny. Then, after him, the Qahtani will be made an Amir (Prince), and by Him Who sent me with the Truth, he (Qahtani) is not lesser (in terms of importance) than him (Mahdi)." (Tabarani, Ibn Asakir, Ibn Mandah, Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan)



أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (1214) عن أرطاة قال:

 بلغني أن المهدي يعيش أربعين عاما , ثم يموت على فراشه , ثم يخرج رجل من قحطان , مثقوب الأذنين , على سيرة المهدي , بقاؤه عشرين سنة , ثم يموت قتلا بالسلاح ثم يخرج رجل من أهل بيت النبي  مهدي حسن السيرة , [ يفتح ]  مدينة  قيصر, وهو آخر أمير من أمة محمد , ثم يخرج في زمانه الدجال , وينزل في زمانه عيسى بن مريم 

Arta said:

"It has reached me that the Mahdi will live for forty years, then he will die on his bed. Then, a man from Qahtan will come, with pierced ears, who will follow the example of the Mahdi. He will remain for twenty years and then he will die, killed by a weapon. Then, a man will come from the household of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم , a mahdi ( (rightly guided) of good reputation, who will conquer the City of Caesar (Rome). He will be the last Amir (Prince) from the Ummah (nation) of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم . During his time, the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) will come out, and during his time, Jesus son of Mary عليه السلام will descend." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (1137) عن كعب قال:

 [ يقاتل أهل اليمن قتالا شديدا, فيما بين النهرين, فيهزمه الله ومن معه, فما يروع أهل المشرق ومن معه إلا بالقتلى يطفون على النهر, فيعلمون بهزيمتهم فيقبل راكبهم إلى اليمن وهم نزول بين النهرين, فيظهره الله تعالى ومن معه, فيصلح أمر الناس, وتجتمع كلمتهم هنية, ثم يسيرون حتى ينزلوا الشام, ويمكثون زمانا في ولاية صالحة, ثم تثور بهم قيس, فيقتلهم أهل اليمن, حتى يظن الظان أن لم يبق من قيس أحد, ثم يقوم رجل من أهل اليمن فيقول: الله الله في إخوانكم الله والبقية, فتسير قيس فيمن بقى منها, حتى ينزلوا بين النهرين, فيجمعوا جمعا عظيما, فيولون أمرهم رجلا من بني مخزوم, ثم يموت والي اليمن, فتفرح قيس بموته, فيسير المخزومي حتى إذا جاز آخرهم الفرات مات المخزومي , فتصير اليمن على حده , وقيس على حده, فيغضب الموالي عن ذلك,وهم أكثر الناس يومئذ, فيقولون هلموا نولي رجلا من أهل الدين , فيبعثون رهطا من أهل اليمن ورهطا من مضر ورهطا من الموالي إلى بيت المقدس, فيتلون كتاب الله تعالى ويسألونه الخيرة, فيرجع أولئك الرهط وقد ولوا رجلا من الموالي فويل للناس بالشام وأرضها من ولايته, فيسير إلى مضر يريد قتالهم ], ثم يُسَيِّر رجلا من أهل المغرب, جسيم عريض ما بين المنكبين, فيقتل من لقي حتى يدخل بيت المقدس, [ فتصيبه الدابة ] فيموت موتا, فتكون الدنيا شر ما كانت, ثم يلي من بعده رجل من أهل مضر, يقتل أهل الصلاح, [ ملعون مشؤم ] , ثم يلي من بعده المضري العماني القحطاني, يسير بسيرة أخيه المهدي, وعلى يديه تفتح مدينة الروم

Ka'b said:

"He [Makhzumi] will fight the people of the Yemen very fiercely between the two rivers, but Allah will defeat him and those with him. The people of the East  and those with him [followers of the Makhzumi] will be terrified at the sight of all of the dead bodies in the river, and they will realize that they have been defeated. So, their [i.e. the people of the Yemen's] cavalry will head to Yemen, while they are camped between the two rivers, and Allah [ta'ala] will give victory to him and those with him. So the people's affairs will be righted, and they will enjoy a happy unity. Then, they will go until they settle in AsSham, where they will remain for a long time under a righteous rule.

Then, Qays will rise up against them, so the people of the Yemen will kill them until one would think that (almost) no one from Qays is left alive. Then, a man from the people of the Yemen will stand up and say: "Fear Allah regarding your brothers!"

Then the remnants of Qays will go until they settle between the two rivers, where they will assemble a great army, and appoint as their ruler a man from Banu Makhzum. Then, the ruler of the Yemen will die, and Qays will rejoice at his death. The Makhzumi will marsh, until when the last of them has crossed the Euphrates, the Makhzumi will die.

So the Yemen will revert to its borders, and Qays to its borders. The Mawali will be angry about that, and on that day, they will be the majority of people at that time. So they will say: "Let us appoint as our ruler a man from those knowledgeable in religious matters." So, they will send a group from the people of the Yemen, a group from Mudhar, and a group from the Mawali to Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), where they will recite the Book of Allah [ta'ala] and ask Him to guide them to the correct choice. So that group will return, having appointed as their ruler a man from the Mawali, and woe to the people of AsSham and its land from his rule!

So he will marsh to Mudhar, intending to fight them. Then, he will send a man from the people of the West, heavy-built with broad shoulders, who will kill whoever he meets in battle, until he enters Bayt Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem). Then, he will be injured by an animal and die. At that time, the World will be in the worst state that it has ever been.

Then a man will rule after him from the people of Mudhar, who will kill the righteous people. He is cursed and ominous. Then, al-Mudhari al-'Umani Al-Qahtani will follow the example of his brother the Mahdi, and at his hands, the City of the Romans will be conquered." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج ( ك ) نعيم (264) عن عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص  قال:

 وجدت في بعض الكتب يوم غزونا يوم اليرموك, أبو بكر الصديق أصبتم اسمه, عمرالفاروق قرن من حديد أصبتم اسمه, عثمان ذو النورين أوتي كفلين من الرحمة, لأنه قتل مظلوما أصبتم اسمه, ثم يكون سفاح, ثم يكون منصور, ثم يكون مهدي, ثم يكون الأمين, ثم يكون سين وسلام يعني صلاحا وعافية, ثم يكون أمير العُصَب, ستة منهم من ولد كعب بن لؤي, ورجل من قحطان, كلهم صالح, لا يرى مثله

Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas said:

"I found in some of the Books (of Christians & Jews), when we conquered on the Day of Yarmouk:

The name of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, you got his name right,

Omar Al-Farouq as an iron horn,

Othman who is Zhu Nourain (the one with two lights) has been given two portions of mercy for he was innocently killed, you got his name right,

Then, there will be a Saffah (Butcher). Then, there will be Al-Mansur. Then, there will be mahdi. Then, there will be Al-Ameen (Trustworthy). Then, there will be Seen and Peace. Then, there will be Amir (Prince) of Osab ( العُصَب ). Six of them will be from the descendants of Ka'ab bin Luay, and one man from Qahtan. Each of them (these princes) will be good and will not be seen like him." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج ( ك ) نعيم (270) عن عبد الله بن عمرو قال

 يكون بعد الجبارين الجابر, يجبر الله به أمة محمد  ثم المهدي, ثم المنصور, ثم السلام, ثم أمير العصب, فمن قدر على الموت بعد ذلك فليمت

Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas said:

"After the tyrants, there will be Al-Jaber, who will be brought by Allah to ease the suffering of Ummah (nation) of Mohammad, then, Al-Mahdi, then Al-Mansur, then Al-Salam, then Prince of Osab ( العُصَب ). Whoever can die after that, let me die." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


أخرج (ك) أيضا (1177) عن عبد الله بن عمرو  قال

 ثلاثة أمراء يَتَوَالَوْن, تفتح [ الأرضين ] كلها عليهم, كلهم صالح, الجابر,ثم المفرج, ثم ذو العصب, يمكثون أربعين سنة, ثم لا خير في الدنيا بعدهم

Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas said:

" Three princes will succeed each other. All of two lands will be conquered by them. All of them are righteous: Al-Jaber, then Al-Mufrej, then Zhu Osab ( العُصَب ). They will remain 40 years. Then, there will be no good after them."


أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (1181) عن سليمان بن عيسى وكان علامة في الفتن قال:

 بلغني أن المهدي يمكث أربعة عشر سنة ببيت المقدس , ثم يموت, ثم يكون من بعده [شريف الذكر ] من قوم تبع , يقال له منصور,ببيت المقدس إحدى وعشرين سنة, [ خمسة عشر منها عدل, وثلاث سنين جور, وثلاث سنين منها حرمان الأموال,لا يعطى أحد درهم, يقسم أهل الذمة بين مقاتلته, وهو الذي يبقى الموالي عمق الأعماق, وهو الذي يدوس ولد إسماعيل كما يدوس البقر الأندر, وهو الذي يخرج عليه المولى اسمه اسم نبي, وكنيته كنية نبي, يسير إليه من الأعماق حتى يلقى منصور ببطن أريحاء فيقاتله ] فيقتله, ثم يملك المولى [ وينفى ولد قحطان وولد إسماعيل إلى مدينتي كنز العرب المدينة وصنعاء, وهو الذي يخرج على يديه الترك والروم حتى يملوكا ما بين عمق أنطاكية إلى جبل الكربل بفلسطين بمرج مدينة عكا, يملك المولى ] ثلاث سنين, ثم يقتل, ثم يملك من بعده [ هيم] المهدي  الثاني وهو الذي يقتل الروم, ويهزمهم ويفتح القسطنطينية, ويقيم فيها ] ثلاث سنين و أربعة أشهر وعشرة أيام, [ ثم ينزل عيسى بن مريم  , فيسلم الملك إليه ]

Sulayman bin 'Isa, who was a man with great knowledge regarding the Fitan, said:

"It has reached me that the Mahdi will remain for fourteen years in Bayt Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), then he will die. Then, after him Sharif azZikr, from the people of Tubba' (ancient kingdom in Yemen), called Mansur, will be in Bayt al-Maqdis for twenty one years. Fifteen years will be of justice, followed by three years of tyranny, followed by three years of withholding wealth in which he will not give anyone a single dirham. He will distribute the people of the Zhimma among his fighters. It is he who will keep the Mawali away, deep in Al-Amaq (the valleys), and it is he who will trample the descendants of Isma'il (Ishmael)  like the cattle trample the twigs. It is he against whom a Mawla will rise up, whose name is the name of a Prophet, and whose Kunya is the Kunya of a Prophet. He (the Mawla) will march to him (Mansur) from al-A'maq until he meets him inside Ariha (Jericho in Palestine), where he will fight him and kill him.

Then, the Mawla will rule, and he will banish the descendants of Qahtan (probably Mansur was ftom Qahtan tribe) and the descendants of Isma'il (Ishmael) to the two cities of the treasures of the Arabs, Al-Madina (in Saudi Arabia) and San'a' (in Yemen). It is he who is responsible for letting the Turks and the Romans invade until they control the whole area from the valley of Antioch (in Turkey) up to Mount Carmel in Palestine at the pasture (field) of the city of Akka (in Palestine). The Mawla will rule for three years, then he will be killed.

Then after him, the second Mahdi will come to power, and it is he who will fight the Romans and defeat them. He conquers Constantinople and stays in it for three years, four months and ten days. Then, Jesus son of Mary عليه السلام will descend, and he (Second Mahdi) will hand over the rule to him (Jesus)."  (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)


Some athar narrated by Nuaim ibn Hammad in Kitab al-Fitan also indicate that the Qahtani will be killed as a martyr during the Malhama (the Big Battle against the Romans) along with seventy of his Amirs (commanders), and Allah knows best.


3. The Rule of Al-Jahjaah

حدثنا ‏ ‏محمد بن بشار العبدي ‏ ‏حدثنا ‏ ‏عبد الكبير بن عبد المجيد أبو بكر الحنفي ‏ ‏حدثنا ‏ ‏عبد الحميد بن جعفر ‏ ‏قال سمعت ‏ ‏عمر بن الحكم ‏ ‏يحدث عن ‏ ‏أبي هريرة ‏
‏عن النبي ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏قال ‏ ‏لا تذهب الأيام والليالي حتى يملك رجل يقال له ‏ ‏الجهجاه ‏
‏قال ‏ ‏مسلم ‏ ‏هم أربعة إخوة ‏ ‏شريك ‏ ‏وعبيد الله ‏ ‏وعمير ‏ ‏وعبد الكبير ‏ ‏بنو عبد المجيد

Abu Huraira [r.a.] said: "The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: "Day and night will not come to an end until a man from the Mawali called Jahjaah  rules." (Musnad Ahmad, Sahih Muslim)

Imam Muslim, the author of Sahih Muslim,comments that there are four brothers who are referred to as Jahjaah: Sharik, Obaid-Allah, Omair, and Abd-Al-Kabir from Banu Abd-Al-Majid.

The authentic Hadith do not give any further details of Al-Jahjah or what will occur during his rule; however, the fact that he is from the Mawali may have some relevance regarding the rule of the Mawali that will follow the rule of the people of the Yemen. It is also possible that the Jahjaah may rule after Jesus dies.

The Mawali [singular "mawla"] are the Muslims of non-Arab descent in general, whether they are freed slaves or not. They are called the Mawali because traditionally, the non-Arab Muslims upon entering Islam would give their allegiance to one of the Arab tribes.




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