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Islam & Terrorism
9/11 & Terrorism
Who did 9 11
London Bus Bomb
Evil Forces
Secret Societies
Jordan Maxwell
Texe Marrs
Eustace Mullins)
Kay Griggs
Noam Chomsky
Israel & Zionism
Satanic Cults
Conjuring Demons





   Israel & Zionism

1. Israeli Palestinian Conflict

2. Life in occupied Palestine

3. Israeli soldiers kill even the animals in Gaza Zoo.

4. Good Israelis

5. Neturei Karta, an anti-Zionist Orthodox Jewish movement

6. Dr. Ilan Pappe

7. Dr. Norman Finkelstein

8. Talmud  Uncovering some evil teachings in Talmud (a Jewish holy scripture)

9. Protocols of Elders of Zion This is the famous book of the evil Jews.

10. Controversy of Zion (click to download this 395-page book by Douglas Reed)

11. Sinister Jewish Rituals Slaughtering human beings (not all Jews practice human sacrifice rituals).

12. Dr. David Duke is former Louisiana State Representative in the U.S. and a critic of Zionism & Jewish Supremacy

13. Rev. Ted Pike  sheds light on Zionism, evil Talmudic beliefs, etc.

14. Power of Zionists

15. Christian Zionism





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Important Announcement


Discovering Islam is pleased to inform you about

a great book by End Times Research Center:


The End Times : Based on Numerical Analysis of

the Quran, Hadith, Arabic Words, and Historical Events


This book (which consists of more than 3000 pages) explains why  the Mahdi will emerge most likely in year 2023, the Dajjal will emerge most likely in year 2024, and Jesus will return most likely in 2025, in-sha-Allah (if Allah is willing).


To download the book 100% FREE of charge, visit : www.EndTimesBook.com




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